We are happy to announce that ZAP IN v2.0 BETA is now being tested by some of our clients, one being the Accelerator Centre in Waterloo, Ontario! We took a little “field trip” to assist receptionist Jacqueline in beginning the BETA at the front desk of the Accelerator Centre, and their new division opening soon. Jacequline was very impressed with the updates, and how she could leave the iPad at the front of their new divison for guests to sign in on their own, while remaining at her desk at the Accelerator Centre.

Setup was quick and simple. Shortly after, guests had already began signing in on ZAP IN v2.0 and ready to go to their meetings!
Jacqueline loved the photo capture and Here to See feature; whenever a guest signed in, a photo would be taken of them and sent straight to the email of the individual they were here to see.

Our BETA is currently being tested by large offices all over the world!

Max, CEO of ZAP IN, mentioned that “the hardest part of the entire setup is remembering all of your passwords”, showing how simple setup actually is!
Find out how your workplace can join the ZAP IN family, and begin your Free Trial today!